Carpal tunnel syndrome is often the result of a repetitive stress injury and can make many simple, around-the-house tasks impossible. It develops when the median nerve, running through the carpal tunnel of the wrist, becomes compressed and inflamed. The main symptom used in diagnosis is significant numbness or “pins and needles” in the thumb, index, and middle fingers. This leads to difficulty in opening jars and doors, using a knife, gardening, and playing a musical instrument or sports.
Carpal tunnel is challenging to treat with Western medicine. You can either control symptoms using preventatives such as user-friendly keyboards and rest, or correct it through release surgery, an expensive option that may not work. An injection of cortisone, a steroid, can help temporarily, but is never used more than three times as tendons and ligaments of the wrist can burst.
Acupuncture is a wonderful treatment for carpal tunnel, increasing blood circulation, speeding healing of inflamed tissues, and blocking pain signals. Pain relief often happens after the first visit, but a course of multiple treatments is recommended.
Acupuncture is a lower-cost option to surgery, cortisone injections and prescription pain medication, and can help you become pain-free.